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Customer review: The Best Nebulizer for a French Bulldog

We know how hard it is when it comes to our pets’ health problems.

One of our customers shared with us a story of her frenchie’s battle with pneumonia.

“Both my husband and I had been thinking about getting a french bulldog for a long time, so when our son asked for a dog as a Christmas present, we thought – the time has come!

Long story short: we got a new family member – black frenchie Yoda (yeah, we are big fans of Star Wars!).

I can not describe enough how sweet he is. Haven’t met a friendlier dog! He is an absolute joy and a clown, loves playing, love people, very social and very cuddly. Our son loved training him to sit and give a paw.

Can’t say I wasn’t aware of health problems this breed tends to have as french bulldogs are brachycephalic dogs. After talking to a breeder and a vet, I was pretty sure that we would be able to take very good care of Yoda and be very attentive to him.

From the moment we got him and he started to grow his breathing has always sounded congested. Was told that we needed to find a vet that specializes in bulldogs or is familiar with them.

After a few vet visits, I was told something like “its just bulldog noises”. One Thanksgiving morning we woke up to Yoda having rapid shallow breathing and acting very lethargic.

After an urgent vet visit we found out he had severe pneumonia and we were advised to get oxygen chamber for home. When I searched online, the price for such device was over 1000$! That was way over our budget.

We went to another vet, got the same diagnosis. New doctor suggested us getting a nebulizer online and a drug called Clavamox to use 3 times per day, 15 minutes per session.

This is how I found Pawssons nebulizer. Yoda is still not fully recovered from pneumonia, but he is getting better every day.

I use the nebulizer not only with the drug, but also to cool him down after a little walk or anytime I feel his breathing gets worse.

To all dog parents who will read this, I understand your struggle and sincerely recommend the Pawssons nebulizer if your furbaby suffers from respiratory problems.”

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